I won't bore you with the details of the history of Ramadan. I will however share a few details of my experience with it. My ex husband observed Ramadan for the past 5 yrs I was with him and I already knew a few of the basics and I knew I didn't enjoy it much at all. I also didn't want to cook and eat in front of everyone and thought I would try to do it. When you are very young they start you out with a few hours of fasting and go from there. It took me about 3 days of partial fasting and adjusting my sleeping schedule before I could go a whole day. Nothing to eat or drink after sunrise until sunset, affectionately called the ramadan diet by me. I managed to do it for 1 day and in my eyes completed my task of trying it and went back to a semi normal eating pattern. I however did try to stay up later and sleep later, this seemed to help alot but if you work then it would be a terrible thing to have to endure. Interestingly enough my Muslim friends didn't view it as an awful thing to do and they didn't mind if I made a sandwich and ate in my room. I also ate the evening meal at sunset and occasionally at 3am as well so it wasn't much of a diet for me, but everyone else seemed to loose a few pounds, maybe next yr I will try for a few more days. It does seem to give you more will power, but I need more will power to even do it in the first place.
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