I have been here almost 1 month and I need to get my visa extended. If you recall me mentioning I didn't have to pay the 20 JD when I got here because I said I was going to Aqaba within 48 hours, mentioning this because it caused some problems when I was trying to renew my visa. At the airport you can get a single entry visa for 20JD and it is good for 1 month. You then must renew it at the police station and they will give you 3 more months. This process actually took several days and then there are the days they are closed so it actually took about a week. Took a taxi to the gate where you have to state your business get your purse searched (they hold your phone, no cameras allowed), then walk uphill in the hot sun about 2 blocks to the main building. Then walk up stairs 2-3 flights and try to figure out where to go. Oh, the building has no a/c just open windows and a few fans. By the time I reached the top of the stairs I was panting heavily and covered in shiny perspiration, heck by the time I reached the top of the hill before I got into the building I had to stop and catch my breath and fan myself. Rayan and I asked directions to the proper office where the officer asked me if I had gotten my fingerprints and 2 passport photos for the paperwork, while he eyed my visa stamp in my passport. No, I don't have those yet I replied, thanked him and said I would return when I had those. Walk all the way back down to where we started and hail a taxi to go home. I need a cold diet pepsi and a nap and maybe 2 excederin, as this is not only a royal PIA but giving me a headache to boot.
Next day, got about 8 passport photos and a nice 3 x 5 for just 2 JD. On to be finger printed at the local police station. Yep you guessed it up a hill up alot of steps wait, wait and wait for someone. Apparently I need a woman to fingerprint me, god forbid a man touch my hand or make eye contact. Now I have never been finger printed at a police station and it took them a few tries to get my prints readable, they didn't offer me even a kleenex to wipe the black oily ink off my hands. When I asked to use the bathroom to try to wash them there wasn't any soap or any paper towels, really? I left as quickly as possible but I made sure I touched anything I could on my way out, leaving behind small black smudges everywhere. Rayan found some perfume spray which contains alcohol and I was able to get some of the goo off my hands finally and we made our way to the other station to get the extension. It was to late and they had gone for the day so...to be continued.
Ok today is the day, you know the drill, up the hill, up the stairs (my fav) to the man behind the desk. I proudly and confidently handed him my fingerprints and pictures along with my passport. This time he looked at my previous visa stamp more closely and said that we would have to go to Amman to extend it, why? Because I had to pay the 20 JD that I didn't pay when I originally entered Jordan. Why didn't he notice this before and tell me then. Sad and dejected I left vowing never to return. Contemplating my next step and fearing they would deport me I got all worked up and then decided that it would be easier to over stay my visa and then simply go to Egypt and get another 1 month visa on the way back in. It took me a few more days to come to this brilliant conclusion though.